Yelena Foster

Hello! My name is Yelena Foster...

Welcome and nice to see you here!

I would like to share with you my story. My story shaped me to become the person I am now and I am grateful for all my experiences, all my ups and downs, and all my challenges. Without all the challenges, there’s no way to grow. Each growing process can be painful, whether we are growing or not.

I came to the USA  from the Ukraine in 2000 with my 14-year-old daughter, to start our new lives. I was so excited to begin this journey. But this journey was pretty tough during 12 years of abusive marriage. It took me 12 years to realize that such a marriage does not work and never will work. You will ask, why I stayed so long. Even living in misery is a definition of a comfort zone, which became a habit and it’s hard to get out. Why it was hard? The new changes brought a fear of unknown experiences in the future.   Most importantly it was craving a change to improve my life. Finally, I got out of this marriage. I knew that I could create a better life and achieve more happiness same You as well!

This is how my mind worked before and held me for 12 years in prison. Not anymore and I am so grateful for that!

I stayed 14 years in my yoga business without taking any credit from financial institutions to build up my business and I am so grateful for that too! I was stepping into my new empowering identity,  without fear of changes but with an open heart and positive mindset.


I had a successful business but because of my activities and stress, it started to take over my health and my personal life. I struggled with free time for my family and myself, my unbalanced life took my joy and happiness away.

To help myself to bring my life back, I decided to discover and study what is coaching and mentoring about.

My next challenge happened after COVID-19 when my physical yoga place was closed and I was facing a new unknown journey to run my coaching, and mentoring business which made me excited to be able to help people like You who live daily lives with anxiety, stress, and overthinking.

I am glad that I can implement the ancient practice and philosophy during my coaching and show You what is possible if You are ready to make the changes.

You probably think that there is no way out from daily stress and anxiety.

The answer is, that it is possible to stop negative thoughts and say farewell to your old way of thinking and old way of being. It’s time to take action and make the changes. 

Thank You for being here and I am honored to be helpful in your journey toward  Your happy life without anxiety and stress.

If you want to know me better, please email me at and I will be happy to know You better as well.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
– Mark Twain   

P.S. That being said, check my book on Amazon. I hope you’ll find some value. Your review would be highly appreciated!